18 - 20 mai 2021 Smart-home and the Elder |
- Félix Pageau, Laval University, and Visiting Scholar, University of Basel | Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Dr. med. Geratrician
- Nadine Felber, University of Basel | Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Assistant - PhD
- Tenzin Wangmo, University of Basel | Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Senior Researcher
- Delphine Roulet Schwab, Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source - HES-SO - Lausanne, Professeure HES Ordinaire
- Elger Bernice, University of Basel | Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Professor
During three days of the workshop, experts on the topic will discuss opportunities, obstacles, as well as ethical and social limits of smart home appliances in caregiving for older persons. Experts from both academia and the private sector will share their insights in order to generate mutual understanding and interest, and to reinforce collaboration between the different stakeholders. Please see our tentative workshop schedule to know more about the discussion content and proposed subjects for each speaker.